Express Yourself (DIY)


Some people think, that fashion is all about scary-thin models walking on 10cm heels and Karl Lagerfelds cat, but for others, it´s more than just that. I personally appreciate the beauty of things and can get lost in my thoughts about the latest outfit I saw. But most of us fashion-victims love to express ourselves. Wear something that no one else has and that you wear better than anyone else.
My first experience with a unique piece was, when I got a customized dress, because nothing in the stores fit me. It took weeks until it was finished and when I first put on the finished dress, I was literally the happiest person on earth. It fit perfectly. It didn't matter, that I had no waist, short legs, no curves. The dress would only ever fit me and it looked just like I had imagined it. I only wore this dress twice in the end. To my confirmation, where some people mocked me about the dress and some told me how pretty it was. And I wore it to my first ball, shortly before I left all my friend behind to go to NZ. As you can tell, I´m loosing the thread. To make a long story short: The dress didn´t fit anymore after a year and it´s not my favorite dress anymore, but people change and their styles too. For me fashion is there to remind me of the person I was and when I look in the mirror and like my style, I can probably like my self a little bit more. And when I made my clothes myself I am even happier.I hope you get the message, because this is going to be a DIY project on customizing an old bag. Making it your own and be proud of what you carry around. I didn't make this DIY up totally myself, but I saw Carrie Bradshaw on the Carrie Diaries and wanted to make one myself, since I had an old bag from my mother that I have been wanting to use for a while, but I didn't really like it. So I made it my daily project, took 80s colored nail polish and sprinkled my bag in colors, stripes, dots and it looks super cool and unique. I have worn it a lot since. Like with the dress, some like it and some don't, but I am obsessed with it! Tell me your "express yourself" story, if you have one.. Hope you like the bag and I will show you how to combine it soon. Love, V







7 Kommentare

10. September 2015 um 03:57

This is such a clever & creative idea. I like the marbled affect. It's so unique & chic. :]

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10. September 2015 um 12:14

Supertolle Idee!
Da hat man gleich einen Hingucker!♥

Lea❤ | von r e m e m b e r

10. September 2015 um 18:27

Was für eine coole Idee, jetzt hast du ein richtiges Unikat <3

Liebste Grüße, Rike ♥

21. September 2015 um 14:53

Wow this is a great idea! Well done dear!


24. September 2015 um 16:27

Hey, also die Idee find ich ja total super, riskant - aber super ;)
und deinen Blog hast du auch richtig gut gemacht, wie so ne Zeitung - find ich genial.....
Also ich werd dir jetzt folgen, weil mir dein Blog echt gut gefällt,
LG Junior-Bloggerin Livia

29. September 2015 um 09:37

Total cool! Und tolle Seite :)

25. Oktober 2015 um 16:08

Haha, very nice <3

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