Summer leaves - Autumn leafs


Who would have thought, that summer would be over in a millisecond. I guess it is like that every year. We think about the beach, the sun and the colorful looks and *plopp* the summer bubble bursts into pieces again. "See you next year, summer", I sometimes whisper under an umbrella, having my shoes and socks soaked with water from the street. Don´t get me wrong, I love the autumn. My mom always says, that you´re most comfortable in the season, you´re born in, and since I was born in October, I love the cozy weather and the crunchy noise, that the leafs make underneath my boots. If I only had boots, and If I only had a big scarf and a coat, that make the rain and storm cozy instead of disgusting. When you are not prepared for fall, it can hit you in the face like a halloween pumpkin. And theres only one way to prevent that: Fall shopping. Since I can not even shop, where I live, it had to be online shopping -even better!

My favorite piece that I got is this wool sweater from ZARA.It´s soft, cozy and it´s turtleneck. It´s like the word Viktoria was printed on it. I don't even need to wear a jacket when I wear it, because it is so warm. The next step to a perfect Summer to Fall transformation is rocking your new stuff in a golden hour photo shoot. 6/7 pm was the perfect lighting for me and I loved the camera me and my friend used. It blends away the background so nicely. Way better than my own does, but guess whats on my birthday wish list...


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Sweater- Zara
  Jeans- Hollister
   Cowboy Boots- No Name

5 Kommentare

29. September 2015 um 19:37

this is so lovely
New blog post :

29. September 2015 um 20:42

Wunderschöne Fotos, du bist so unglaublich hübsch.!
Liebe Grüße Lena,

29. September 2015 um 21:17

Was für schöne Bilder, du bist echt total schön!

Liebste Grüße, Rike ♥

1. Oktober 2015 um 16:03

Die Bilder sind wundervoll, so schön herbstlich ♥

1. Oktober 2015 um 18:40

Die Fotos sind so schön und dein Blog wirklich einzigartig, hast eine neue Leserin! ♥
Liebe Grüße,

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