My Vegan Story


You voted, and the majority wanted to know more about the story how I became vegan. It all begins the day I was born. Literally, because I was obviously born as a mammal, just like you. Fast forward, after being a baby and all that to a conscious me. I ate what my mother gave me. Vegetables, eggs, milk, meat.Whatever it was, I would eat it. When my best friend became vegetarian, I first thought about what it was to be vegetarian, not what it means to eat animals. I liked doing little self-experiments, like being vegetarian for a month or so, but I never took it seriously. Until a teacher of mine talked to us about veganism. And about what it does to your body. I liked the idea, that I would be fitter, healthier and more energetic, but I never tried to go vegan. I used my family as an excuse. They wouldn't accept it, I said. I would starve, I told myself. But still. I educated myself, read cookbooks, watched videos on You Tube and wanted to live this lifestyle so badly. I don't know what was wrong with me at that time, that I didn't transition right away. 
Last Autumn, I started to care about what I was doing to the environment. I understood that I could really do something. And became vegetarian, without a second thought. I just did it. One or two months later, I tried the vegan diet for the first time, and it lasted until Christmas. I lost the reason for me to go vegan. I was tired of watching what I ate, I was tired of fighting with my mom (which happened every day at that time). This april, I became vegan again. I found new inspiration. Educated myself even more and strongly believe in what I´m doing is the right thing. It doesn't matter if others accept it. It´s good for me, it´s good for the animals, for the environment and for world peace. 
What I want to tell you now: Please educate yourself. Spend time realizing what eating animal products means and see if you want to make a change. I will link some videos and instagram pages that inspire me down below. Leave questions in the comments if you have any. Love, V

Awesome recipes: @nutsaboutfruit
The best documentary: Earthlings / Forks over knifes
Crazy but inspirational: Freelee the Banana Girl
Simply the best: Essena O´Neill
Nice Cream Queen: @lolacooks

1 Kommentar

19. August 2015 um 21:24

Freut mich, dass du so glücklich bist mit dem Vegansein! Ich esse aus
gesundheitlichen Gründen auch keine Eier und fast keine Milch und kein
Fleisch mehr,deswegen sind vegane Posts etc auch sehr spannend für mich :)

Liebe Grüße, Rike❀

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