16ths, daydreams and a whole lot of thoughts

recap no 2

Disclaimer: Before we begin, lets appreciate this ugly picture of myself that I post on the internet.     This is the result of absolute boredom and a lack of quality content. Thank you x

Okay, lets get down to business. Why haven't I been posting for almost the past month? "My life has just been too exciting with all the parties I had to attend and all those the business meetings. I am just such a busy person!" *dips chip into salsa and continues to watch netflix*. The honest answer is that I had many posts stuck on my to do list and never finished anything. A food diary, a list of books, you need to read and autumn must haves might be coming your way, or might not. So I decided to write a personal post about my life in the past few months. 

First, I go waaay back to the end of August, when I won the election for students representative, entered year 11 and signed my very first contract for a job. September was a busy month as well. I had at least two exams a week and I studied till I dropped. But as soon as October was around the corner I left all the stressful weeks behind. Fast forward to the 29th of October. I finally turned 16, the moment I have been waiting for, well.. a year. All my friends came over and we had a fun night. I might post some party inspirations in the future. November has had its ups and downs so far. Lately more downs than ups. I don't want to get too much into detail, but 1. its nerv-wrecking to rack your mind about your future.  2. It´s never fun to see a friend suffer and 3. When the world is a mess - then so am I. I can not believe what is happening in (not only) Europe  at the moment and I can only hope that everyone stays safe and sound. 
This past week, I started to DIY , made my sewing machine useful again and on monday I have a free day, that I might spend in Cologne. My head is full of creative ideas and daydreams about my own apartment. My brother moved out lately and I want to go too so badly! Next week, exams will enter my mind again. I hate these months of studying, especially when I am feeling ill, but what can I do about it? 

What have you been up to lately? Any suggestions against boredom, when you're sick?

Much love xx V

1 Kommentar

22. November 2015 um 08:43

This photo from you is so cute!
Kisses from germany, Sophie♥

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