
Paris 2013

I am so sorry you didn´t get to see me that often lately. My life is pretty busy at the moment and school is taking in way too much of my time. I have a lot of things on my mind, that I want to share with you though! There´s only three more weeks to go until spring break. And I am so excited! Lina (my best friend) and I are traveling to London on the 28th. Let me know if you have any more questions about our trip. It´s gonna be perfect.  I am also going to meet one of my best New Zealand friend soon. I haven´t seen her in a year and I miss her heaps. I´ll go to Munich to meet her. That means  lots of shopping, food and good weather. Still, I am showing you pictures of my last trip to Paris. I don´t even know why, but these are my favorite photos of the trip and I have never shown them to you before. As you can tell, there´s a lot of cool things coming up soon. You and I just need to be patient. If you are, like me, writing a lot of assessments at the moment: Good luck! Take care, V

10 Kommentare

7. März 2015 um 12:53

Really nice pics, hun. I hope you'll enjoy your spring break, that's going to be soon. (:

7. März 2015 um 14:07

new post :

7. März 2015 um 22:24

Wow, amazing pictures! Beautiful..... :) <3 :*
Lea :)

8. März 2015 um 14:43

Bin gerade durch Zufall auf deinen absolut mega Blog gestoßen und wollte dir nur schnell einen lieben Kommentar dalassen. <3

8. März 2015 um 15:30

Wundervolle Bilder,
Fühl dich umarmt

8. März 2015 um 17:00

Richtig schöne Bilder <3
Ich finde deinen Blog total toll
Liebe Grüße Fee

8. März 2015 um 19:01

Wow! Supertolle Bilder! Die verschaffen echt schöne Eindrücke!
Hab einen wundervollen Start in die Woche!

9. März 2015 um 23:27

hey liebes
bin durch zufall auf deinen blog gekommen und bin begeistert
atemberaubend Schöne Fotos
paris ist wirklich eine tolle Stadt :)

Hoffe du schaust auch mal bei mir vorbei <3

12. März 2015 um 13:10

Super schöne Bilder! :)

Liebst, Lotta von
STYLEDAZZLED fashion, beauty, life // magazine

10. Juni 2015 um 08:07

Hi! I Love Paris so much. Every year I habe to stay with the school @ the Louvre.

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